Interior Design Masters – The Application
So why apply to a BBC prime time show about Interior Design and what was involved in the application process?
Imagine the scene (it won’t be hard) ….
We were a few weeks into Lockdown 01 in that memorable year of 2020. The world had pressed pause on life as we knew it and we were all feeling anxious, reflective and perhaps a little fed up. The closing date for Interior Design Master Season 2 was apparently looming- I knew because I shared the details on my Instagram stories and then (dramatic pause) the thought crossed my mind…could I apply? should I apply? why not apply?
With just 24 hrs to go and with no expectation of it going any further I filled in the online application form…..and so it began. I should say I love writing, I love an application form and it had been a long time since I had an interview so it was already exciting.
Pretty quickly on receipt of my application there was a call from the production team – cue screams and squeals from the kids! Little did I know that this was the easy bit – what followed was a very lengthy but super exciting application journey which included delivering a full design scheme with budget and timelines.
– The Brief
Nav & Mary have decided to start with their open plan living/ dining room as they want to entertain friends and family as much as they can.
As this is their first home, they are not afraid to let a designer have carte blanche to design a scheme that is vibrant and on trend; so they are open to design styles and colour schemes.
Naz has a huge record collection, so ideally the scheme would incorporate a storage system to cater for this. Mary’s pet hate is the TV being on display so she would like this to be hidden when not in use.
They would love to inject as much colour as they can with artwork, accessories and wall paint. They would also be open to wallpaper prints and murals. They would be happy for the carpet to be ripped up and new flooring installed or the existing floorboards to be updated.
You can make full use of the existing furniture, if you choose to adapt these within your scheme.

The Moodboard I created. You can view my full presentation here.
Following the design brief there were then a couple of auditions with the Producers – on zoom of course! This was a first – not the zoom bit and in fact not even the audition bit, but the new COVID way of casting for TV was something I had never expected to do!
Next it was a long wait! I had made it onto a shortlist but now it was back to Tiger King & banana bread whilst we waited for the BBC to make their selection and get the go ahead for filming to start.
And then all of sudden sometime in July it was go go go!! In no particular order there were contracts to sign, first briefs, schedules and the best day was the day of the van delivery…no going back!
The van was a highlight if I’m honest and led to me ultimately trading in my Range Rover for a new van once filming had finished and I bid farewell to my beloved Enterprise van.
There was so much organising to do… the small matter of 3 children in the middle of their summer holidays, my day job as a Marketing Consultant and then the confidentiality. No-one could know about my involvement in the show apart from my immediate family and a handful of friends who would come to my child-care rescue over the next few weeks.
So with a van heaving with everything I should need for a show home project , 2 suitcases of clothes, a huge amount of trepidation and butterflies and a heavy heart I embarked on the first journey. I would be away from the children for 8 days (the longest I have ever left them). They were the reason I was doing this – to show them what amazing things can happen when you put yourself 100% out of your comfort zone. They labelled boxes, ticked off lists and made me a gorgeous leaving meal but once I got behind the wheel of my beloved van it was just me and my big girl pants and it felt like a thrilling mixture of complete joy with incomparable fear!
Look out for the next step as our talk you through Episode 1 – show homes.
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